Welcome to Chris' blog on Pinder.com

Back in 2006, age 21, I set up my first company HD Cable Ltd. Since then, through Pinder Holdings, I’ve been able to be involved with the development of multiple brands and companies. Along the way I’ve had a lot of fun, embarked on some great projects and had the privilege of working in teams with some fantastic people.

Generally the brands and companies I get involved with…
Seek to maximise how we see, hear and feel entertainment in the built environment.
Have an unconventional approach to the design and creation of entertainment delivery systems.
Innovate the ways in which we can enjoy media in the spaces we occupy.
Change the relationship people have with AV technology for the better.

Right now I’m working on more projects than ever, and I intend for my personal blog to give you some insight into what I’m doing and why.
