How to become a frontend developer

Feel free to find other projects that you can also use as references and practice a lot. The way you learn to code depends on your budget and time frame. If you’re on a budget, or you simply want to test the waters, try a free online course.

  • It serves as an online portfolio which is easily accessible to your future interviewers and employers.
  • They could use an API that reaches out to a weather service and gets the data.
  • As long as a website remains relevant, the demand for frontend developers will keep rising.
  • The key to balancing it is to set aside some time each day to learn.
  • We can then use these selectors to write style rules containing a property name like “font-size”, “background-color”, “margin-left”, etc. and values for these properties.

Discover the best web design courses to learn web design online. Unlock tools to build your best design team with Dribbble’s hiring solutions. Front-end developers bridge the gap between user-facing design and back-end programming.

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When you use a library, you’re in charge of the flow of the application. JavaScript libraries and frameworks are tools that make JavaScript development faster and easier. Most of us interact with multiple websites and mobile apps every day. We click buttons, log in and out, and add products to our cart without thinking about who made it all possible. Whether you have zero coding knowledge, are self-taught, or are somewhere in between, this course is for you.

Application Programming Interfaces or APIs allow adding functionality to websites. REST, on the other hand, is a lightweight architecture for simplifying network communication over the web. Although there are several CSS preprocessors available, two of the leading in-demand options are LESS (LEaner Style Sheets) and SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets).

HTML – HyperText Markup Language

You can do that through school or teach yourself using online resources. Your frontend developer should also have strong interpersonal skills. They’ll work with other team members and stakeholders and communicate effectively about projects. You can test candidates’ technical skills by giving them a short coding test. If they do well, it’s also helpful to assign a small (paid) test project.

HTML provides structure to the content appearing on a website, such as images, text, or videos. A page with just HTML is very basic and unappealing, and it will need CSS styling to make it presentable. We just discussed the various aspects of web development, front and, back end, and full stack.

Are Frontend Developers in Demand?

As we saw earlier, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are three of the fundamental skills to become a front-end developer. Thus, you must make yourself familiar and comfortable with these three skills. While HTML and CSS can be learned easily, JavaScript could be challenging, especially if you have no prior programming experience. You should get comfortable with other fundamental skills mentioned earlier – DOM Manipulation, Responsive Design, and working of the web.

You could also try an internship to help get you started in the industry. If you want to become a front-end web developer in three months, your best option is to complete a coding boot camp. A boot camp will teach you skills that employers are looking for. Once you have the skills, you can build a portfolio of your work and start to apply for paid front-end development work. Building larger projects and working with different teams require you have more knowledge and skills than the basics. Below, you will see a list of technologies that front-end developers use in their professional routine.